En 2015, Nicolas s'installe sur l'exploitation paternelle dès l'obtention de son Bac Pro "Vigne et Vin" au lycée viticole de Rouffach.
En 2020, après 6 ans d'expérience et de réflexion, il décide enfin d'entamer sa conversion vers l'Agriculture Biologique. Malgré le travail supplémentaire, il est convaincu que sa démarche va dans le bon sens de la santé et du respect de l'environnement.
Our terroir
Our vineyards are mainly planted on sandy soil, or granitic soil by location. The granite bedrock forms on the surface by freezing and thawing as well as by the life of the soil.
These rocks store heat during the day and releases it at night, making it a warm terroir and forcing early maturation of grapes.
These light, dry soils require the vine roots to penetrate through the cracks of the rock in search of minerals and water.
High Environmental Value Domain in conversion
Organic Agriculture
The Pernet & Fils wine estate is proud to announce its "High Environmental Value" certification !
The "HEV" label (High Environmental Value) is awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture and aims to reward a set of good agricultural practices that respect the environment. It is also a skills certificate which recognizes know-how of which we are proud.
To obtain this certificate, valid for 3 years, operators must comply with a set of specific criteria including:
- protection of biodiversity
- respect for the soil during fertilization
- the low use of phytosanitary inputs and fertilizers.
The Alsace Pernet & Fils wine estate thus confirms its commitments to nature: more than our activity, it is our entire life that depends on the quality of our terroirs. It is therefore up to us to take care of it. It is also for this reason that we are starting to convert the estate to Organic Agriculture.

The Work on the Vine
We attach special attention to work on the vine : it is all about a good quality grape before thinking about vinification.
We energise our soil ploughing through row ploughing, maintenance of green cover and the addition of organic fertiliser. What we seek is balance of the vine without inflicting stress. Above all, we are concerned about the well-being of the vine, which is why we are committed to respecting it in order to preserve it and, in turn, hand it down to future generations. Thus, we cultivate it in a reasoned fashion while limiting inputs.